The University of Innsbruck is a public university, which was founded in 1669 and is the biggest and most important research and education institution in western Austria. Today it comprises more than 28.000 students and more than 4.500 staff and faculty members. Located in the heart of the Alps, the University of Innsbruck offers the best conditions for successful research and teaching, and international rankings confirm the University’s leading role in basic research. Its Department for Experimental Physics is widely known for its excellence in quantum optics. Seven full professors and their groups work on experimental implementations of quantum optical measurements and applications of quantum information science. In their work, they use such diverse platforms as trapped ions (R. Blatt), ultracold quantum gases (R. Grimm, H.-C. N gerl, and F. Ferlaino), superconducting circuits (G. Kirchmair), cavity QED systems (T. Northup) and semiconductor nanostructures (G. Weihs). The Department is known for several worldwide firsts, for example the first realization of quantum teleportation, the first BEC of molecules, and the first implementation of a qubyte. The Institute for E perimental Physics leads a large Austrian network grant (SFB) on the “Foundations and Applications of Quantum Science” (FoQus) and participates in several FP7 and one Horizon 2020 projects. Its members have been awarded one ERC Advanced Grant and five ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants. The UIBK team is headed by Prof. Gregor Weihs and currently has four post-docs and five PhD students
Role in the project
UIBK will mainly work on the design, development and testing of entangled photon pair sources as compact systems onchip. These sources will be based on semiconductor waveguides that will be integrated into PICs, which will be further integrated with the polymer interposers developed in WP4. The semiconductor waveguides will eventually be electrically pumped, which simplifies the device considerably by eliminating costly and difficult to integrate external laser sources. Along the same line, UIBK will also participate in the development of the programmable EPR node. Finally, UIBK will participate in the definition of the system and component specifications in WP2.
Key personnel
Gregor Weihs
Hannah Thiel
Robert Chapman