EU countries plan ultra-secure communication network

“At the Digital Assembly 2019 in Bucharest, Romania, representatives of 7 EU countries (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, and Spain) signed a declaration agreeing to explore together, over the next 12 months, how to develop and deploy a quantum communication infrastructure (QCI) across the EU within the next ten years. This infrastructure would enable information and data to be transmitted and stored ultra-securely, and link communication assets all over the EU. It would integrate quantum technologies and systems into conventional communication infrastructures, and consist of two elements: an earth-based component making use of existing fibre communication networks linking strategic sites at national and cross-border level, and a space-based component to cover long distances across the EU and other continents.”

Our project heartily supports the declaration and will contribute to the defined goals. The trans-disciplinary approach of UNIQORN brings together leading European players from quantum optics and photonics enabling to move from lab demonstration to field deployment and bridge the quantum divide between large (governmental) and small (residential) end-users.

Source: Digital Single Market