1.6 Tbps Classical Channel Coexistence With DV-QKD Over Hollow Core Nested Antiresonant Nodeless Fibre (HC-NANF)


1.6 Tbps Classical Channel Coexistence With DV-QKD Over Hollow Core Nested Antiresonant Nodeless Fibre (HC-NANF)


O. Alia(1)*, R. S. Tessinari(1), T. D. Bradley(2), H. Sakr(2), K. Harrington(2), J. Hayes(2), Y. Chen(2),
P. Petropoulos(2), D. Richardson(2), F. Poletti(2) G. T. Kanellos(1), R. Nejabati(1), D. Simeonidou(1)
(1) High Performance Networks Group, University of Bristol, Woodland Road, Bristol, UK
(2) Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK
*Corresponding author: obada.alia@bristol.ac.uk


We demonstrate for the first time the coexistence of a quantum-channel and 8200 Gpbs 16-QAM
optical channels with launching powers as high as -9dBm/channel in a 2 km HC-NANF. Comparative
analysis with single-mode fibre reveals that the quantum-channel could not be sustained at such powerlevels.


ECOC 2021 (https://www.ecoc2021.org/)

Place and Date

Bordeaux –  France, 13-16 September 2021