Experimental Demonstration of Programmable 100 Gb/s SDN-Enabled Encryptors/Decryptors for QKD Networks


Experimental Demonstration of Programmable 100 Gb/s SDN-Enabled Encryptors/Decryptors for QKD Networks


E. Arabul, R. S. Tessinari, O. Alia, E. Hugues-Salas, G. T. Kanellos, R. Nejabati, D. Simeonidou.


We successfully demonstrated on-demand and programmable encryption/decryption using SDN-enabled FPGA-based technology over a QKD network. Data rate over 90 Gb/s with maximum data encryption of 11.25 GB/s for different encryption schemes were achieved.


OFC 2021 – The Optical Networking and Communication Conference

Place and date

Hosted in San Francisco, United States, but virtual on 06 – 11 June 2021