Field Trial of Dynamic DV-QKD Networking in the SDNControlled Fully-Meshed Optical Metro Network of the Bristol City 5GUK Test Network


Field Trial of Dynamic DV-QKD Networking in the SDNControlled Fully-Meshed Optical Metro Network of the Bristol City 5GUK Test Network


R. S. Tessinari, A. Bravalheri, E. Hugues-Salas, R. Collins, D. Aktas, R.S. Guimaraes, O. Alia, J. Rarity, G. T. Kanellos, R. Nejabati, and D. Simeonidou


We demonstrate for the first time a field trial of a fully meshed metro network with dynamic QKD networking capabilities across four optical network nodes in the 5GUK Test Network, where the DV-QKD quantum channels co-exist with classical channels and are dynamically switched and rerouted utilising QKD-aware SDN control.


European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC’19). Post-deadline Paper PD3.6

Place and Date

Dublin, Ireland. September, 2019.