
D8.3 Press release and communication kit

Contributing Partners


Executive Summary

Communication and dissemination of project results is of major importance for the project participants. The goal of the project partners is to raise awareness, inform and engage the target audience and promote the project’s results. For these reasons we published a press release at the beginning of the project and designed the project’s communication kit.

In this report we present the official press release prepared by the Project Coordinator in English and German language, which has been distributed by the consortium members as well. Further press releases will be distributed during the running time of the project. We also present the first material for our communication kit, which will be also updated and enhanced during the project’s lifetime to meet the partners’ needs and events requirements to reach the target audience.

The graphic materials are available on the project’s website under the communication kit subpage.


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D8.2 Website development and creation of social accounts

Contributing Partners


Executive Summary

In this document we present the UNIQORN website and the Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. The UNIQORN website and social media accounts have been set up in the first project month aiming at raising awareness about the project, informing and engaging with the target audience and promoting the project’s outputs and results. The UNIQORN website is a versatile communication tool which contains information for a diverse target audience and will be updated regularly with project’s news, activities and results. The Twitter and LinkedIn accounts will help us to reach the audience, who is less interested in traditional media channels and prefers getting informed from social media. All platforms are maintained by the project coordinator and will be updated regularly by input provided by the project partners.


Posted by admin in project deliverables

D8.1 Factsheet and project presentation

Contributing Partners


Executive Summary 

This deliverable presents the UNIQORN factsheet and the project’s overview presentation. The project factsheet contains information about the project idea and the project participants and will be distributed in various scientific and industry events where the project partners are planning to participate. The project presentation gives a high-level overview of the project and will be enhanced with relevant information through the project’s lifetime. It will also be used by the members of the consortium to present the project in various events. Moreover, they contain information about the EU funding incluging the EU emblem to comply with the Grant Agreement Article 29.4. Finally, both dissemination material have been designed to comply with the project’s visual identity, such as the project logo and the color palette.


Posted by admin in project deliverables

D1.1 Project handbook and quality assurance plan

Contributing Partners


Executive Summary

This report presents the management procedures and the quality processes to provide assurance that the project partners will achieve the highest possible quality of project results.
The main aims of this report are to:
* give a high-level overview of the project’s structure
* present the rules for collaborative work within the project
* define the procedures for internal and external communication, meetings, deliverables, and publications
* describe the roles within the project and link them to persons
This document is a living document and must be read by all project participants. In addition to this contractual version, updates will be made whenever is required.

Posted by admin in project deliverables

Our 1st Technical Meeting in Berlin

On January 21 – 22, 2019 our 1st technical meeting took place in Berlin Germany hosted by Fraunhofer HHI.

The main topics discussed were the technologies, applications and demonstrators, which are going to be delivered in the project. Future actions and steps have been discussed and agreed among the project partners.

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Quantum advantage for probabilistic one-time programs


Quantum advantage for probabilistic one-time programs


Marie-Christine Roehsner, Joshua A. Kettlewell, Tiago B. Batalhão, Joseph F. Fitzsimons & Philip Walther


One-time programs, computer programs which self-destruct after being run only once, are a powerful building block in cryptography and would allow for new forms of secure software distribution. However, ideal one-time programs have been proved to be unachievable using either classical or quantum resources. Here we relax the definition of one-time programs to allow some probability of error in the output and show that quantum mechanics offers security advantages over purely classical resources. We introduce a scheme for encoding probabilistic one-time programs as quantum states with prescribed measurement settings, explore their security, and experimentally demonstrate various one-time programs using measurements on single-photon states. These include classical logic gates, a program to solve Yao’s millionaires problem, and a one-time delegation of a digital signature. By combining quantum and classical technology, we demonstrate that quantum techniques can enhance computing capabilities even before full-scale quantum computers are available.


Nature Communications Journal


Posted by admin in scientific publications

UNIQORN at EU ICT 2018 Conference



On 5th of December, UNIQORN participated in the EU ICT 2018 Conference, which as open and participatory event discusses the future of the digital Europe and was hosted in Vienna in 2018.

Marie-Christine Röhsner from University of Vienna and Hannes Hübel from AIT delivered talks themed “Quantum computing – why should I care?” and “Building our digital society on the foundations of quantum physics”, followed by a lively discussion on the benefits and dangers that are to be unlocked in the upcoming years. We were also happy to join forces with our Quantum Flagship partner Stephanie Wehner from the QIA to promote the importance of quantum technology.

Furthermore, AIT conducted a public experiment to explain the guiding of optical signals to interested individuals not skilled in the art. The principle of waveguiding in optical fibers or photonic integrated circuits has been demonstrated in a hands-on experiment by streaming classic music carried by optical light through a water jet.

More than 6000 participants attended the EU ICT 2018 from all over Europe!

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EU QT Flagship kick-off event

© Quantum Flagship

As one of the funded Flagship projects, UNIQORN was actively participating in the festive launch of the European Quantum Flagship on 29th and 30th of November, 2018. Among the various application domains, quantum communication received prominent attention, resulting in an allocation of 4 of the 12 thematic projects to this important pillar. The complementary nature of these quantum communication projects promise cross-pollination among them, as it was also pointed out during the strategic discussions within the Science and Engineering Board.

The UNIQORN partners that participated in the kick-off event were actively engaged in the discussions on the strategic research agenda and the implementation of the Quantum Technology Flagship and could disseminate the objectives of UNIQORN through distribution of technical leaflets. AIT as the project leader presented UNIQORN during the poster session, which was positively recognised by the event participants.

We are looking forward to the next Flagship event in Grenoble in February 2019, co-located with the European Quantum Technologies Conference.

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UNIQORN Kick-off meeting

The UNIQORN project was kicked-off from 9th to 10th of October in the beautiful city of Athens, where the end of summer was blowing fresh wind in our sails – proudly being part of the fleet of the European Quantum Technology Flagship.

It was a pleasure to see two communities – quantum physics and photonics – fusing together in a joint undertaking towards cost-effective quantum technology that will pave the way for mass market applications. The partners presented their ideas and strategies to make this important step happening within the proposed timeframe.

UNIQORN is also proud to involve female scientists with strong motivation to conduct cutting-edge science. Several further job opportunities as post-doctoral researchers have been pointed out by the partners and we would like to encourage interested PhD students in their final year to get in touch with the UNIQORN partners.

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