
Compact, low-threshold squeezed light source


Compact, low-threshold squeezed light source


J. Arnbark, C. S. Jacobsen, R. B. Andrade, X. Guo, J. S. Neergaard-Nielsen, U. L. Andersen, T. Gehring


Strongly squeezed light finds many important applications within the fields of
quantum metrology, quantum communication and quantum computation. However, due to the
bulkiness and complexity of most squeezed light sources of today, they are still not a standard tool
in quantum optics labs. We have taken the first steps in realizing a compact, high-performance
1550 nm squeezing source based on commercially available fiber components combined with
a free-space double-resonant parametric down-conversion source. The whole setup, including
single-pass second-harmonic generation in a waveguide, fits on a 30 cm×45 cm breadboard and
produces 9.3 dB of squeezing at a 5 MHz sideband-frequency. The setup is currently limited
by phase noise, but further optimization and development should allow for a 19″ sized turn-key
squeezing source capable of delivering more than 10 dB of squeezing.


Optics Express, vol 27



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End-to-End Quantum Secured Inter-Domain 5G Service Orchestration Over Dynamically Switched Flex-Grid Optical Networks Enabled by a q-ROADM


End-to-End Quantum Secured Inter-Domain 5G Service Orchestration Over Dynamically Switched Flex-Grid Optical Networks Enabled by a q-ROADM


Rui Wang, Rodrigo Stange Tessinari, Emilio Hugues Salas, Anderson Bravalheri, Navdeep Uniyal, Abubakar Muqaddas, Rafael Silva Guimaraes, Thierno Diallo, Shadi Moazzeni, Qibing Wang, George Kanellos, Reza Nejabati, Dimitra Simeonidou


Dynamic and flexible optical networking enabled by NFV and SDN are the key technology enablers for supporting the dynamicity and bandwidth requirements of emerging 5G network services. To achieve the objective of 5G, Network Services (NSes) must be often deployed transparently over multiple administrative and technological domains. Such case often presents security risks since a typical NS may comprise a chain of network functions, each executed in different remote locations, and tampering within the network infrastructure may compromise their communication. To avoid such threats, QKD has been identified and proposed as a future-proof method immune to any algorithmic cryptanalysis based on quantum-physics mechanisms. The maturity of QKD has enabled the R&D of quantum networks coexisting with optical networks using telecom equipment. This makes the QKD a suitable candidate for the security of distributed and virtualised network services.
In this paper, for the first time, we propose a dynamic quantum-secured optical network for supporting network services that are dynamically created by chaining VNF over multiple network domains. This work includes a new quantum-ROADM, extensions to SDN-enabled optical control plane, and extensions to NFV orchestration to achieve quantum-aware, on-demand chaining of VNFs. The experimental results verify the capability of routing quantum and classical data channels both individually and dynamically over shared fibre links. Moreover, quantum secured chaining of VNFs in 5G networks is experimentally demonstrated via interconnecting four autonomous 5G islands simultaneously through the q-ROADM with eight optical channels using the 5GUK Exchange orchestration platform. The experimental scenarios and results confirm the benefit of the proposed data plane architecture and control/management plane framework.


Journal of Lightwave Technology (Invited), vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 139-149, 1 Jan.1, 2020


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Coexistence of 11.2Tb/s Carrier-Grade Classical Channels and a DV-QKD Channel over a 7-Core Multicore Fibre


Coexistence of 11.2Tb/s Carrier-Grade Classical Channels and a DV-QKD Channel over a 7-Core Multicore Fibre


Emilio Hugues-Salas, Qibing Wang, Rui Wang, Kalyani Rajkumar, George T. Kanellos, Reza Nejabati, Dimitra Simeonidou


We successfully demonstrate coexistence of record-high 11.2 Tb/s (56x200Gb/s) classical channels with a discrete-variable-QKD channel over a multicore fibre. Continuous secret key generation is confirmed together with classical channel performance below the SDFEC limit and a minimum quantum channel spacing of 17nm in the C-band.


European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC),

Place and Date

Dublin, Ireland, 22 – 26 September 2019, Dublin


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First Demonstration of Quantum-Secured, Inter-Domain 5G Service Orchestration and On-Demand NFV Chaining Over Flexi-WDM Optical Networks


First Demonstration of Quantum-Secured, Inter-Domain 5G Service Orchestration and On-Demand NFV Chaining Over Flexi-WDM Optical Networks


R. Nejabati, R. Wang, A. BravalheriA. MuqaddasN. Uniyal, T. Diallo, R. Tessinari, R. S. Guimaraes, S. Moazzeni, E. Hugues-Salas, G. T. Kanellos, D. Simeonidou.


First demonstration of quantum-secured end-to-end VNS composition through dynamic chaining of VNFs from multiple-domains. We rely on a novel quantum-switched flexi-grid WDM network and q-ROADM for inter-connectivity and on-demand selection of transport functions for quality-of-service.


Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC’19). Post-Deadline Paper.

Place and Date

San Diego, USA. March, 2019


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Field Trial of Dynamic DV-QKD Networking in the SDNControlled Fully-Meshed Optical Metro Network of the Bristol City 5GUK Test Network


Field Trial of Dynamic DV-QKD Networking in the SDNControlled Fully-Meshed Optical Metro Network of the Bristol City 5GUK Test Network


R. S. Tessinari, A. Bravalheri, E. Hugues-Salas, R. Collins, D. Aktas, R.S. Guimaraes, O. Alia, J. Rarity, G. T. Kanellos, R. Nejabati, and D. Simeonidou


We demonstrate for the first time a field trial of a fully meshed metro network with dynamic QKD networking capabilities across four optical network nodes in the 5GUK Test Network, where the DV-QKD quantum channels co-exist with classical channels and are dynamically switched and rerouted utilising QKD-aware SDN control.


European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC’19). Post-deadline Paper PD3.6

Place and Date

Dublin, Ireland. September, 2019. 

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A platform approach towards hybrid photonic integration and assembly for communications, sensing, and quantum technologies based on a polymer waveguide technology


A platform approach towards hybrid photonic integration and assembly for communications, sensing, and quantum technologies based on a polymer waveguide technology


Moritz Kleinert, Madeleine Nuck, Hauke Conradi, David de Felipe, Martin Kresse, Walter Brinker, Crispin Zawadzki, Norbert Keil, Martin Schell


We present functionalities of photonic integrated circuits and a generic assembly approach for their hybrid integration with other components in the polymer waveguide platform PolyBoard. In addition to standard integrated optics capabilities, the PolyBoard approach allows for the realization of flexible interconnects, the fabrication of multilayer waveguide structures with low intra-layer coupling losses, and the integration of bulk optical crystals in on-chip free-space sections. These functionalities enable PICs with applications ranging from communications, via sensing, to quantum technology. The semiautomated assembly process presented in the second part of this paper ensures the compatibility of all individual functionalities and the scalability of the developed approaches towards production.


2019 IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan (ICSJ)

Place and Date

Kyoto, Japan, 18-20 November 2019


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Differential Phase-Shift QKD in a 2:16-Split Lit PON with 19 Carrier-Grade Channels


Differential Phase-Shift QKD in a 2:16-Split Lit PON with 19 Carrier-Grade Channels


N. Vokić, D. Milovančev, B. Schrenk, M. Hentschel, H. Hübel


We investigate the practical network integration of differential phase shift quantum key distribution following a cost-optimized deployment scheme where complexity is offloaded to a centralized location. User terminal equipment for quantum state preparation at 1 GHz symbol rate is kept technologically lean through use of a directly-modulated laser as optical encoder. Integration in a passive optical network infrastructure is experimentally studied for legacy and modern optical access standards. We analyze the implications that result from Raman scattering arising from different spectral allocations of the classical channels in the O-, S-, C- and L-band, and prove that the quantum channel can co-exist with up to 19 classical channels of a fully-loaded modern access standard. Secure-key generation at a rate of 5.1×10-7 bits/pulse at a quantum bit error ratio of 3.28% is obtained over a 13.5 km reach, 2:16 split passive network configuration. The high power difference of 93.8 dB between launched classical and quantum signals in the lit access network leads to a low penalty of 0.52% in terms of error ratio.


IEEE J. Sel. Topics in Quantum Electron., vol. 26, no. 3, p. 6400309, May 2020.


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Analysis of the trusted-device scenario in continuous-variable quantum key distribution


Analysis of the trusted-device scenario in continuous-variable quantum key distribution


Fabian Laudenbach, Christoph Pacher


The assumption that detection and/or state-preparation devices used for continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD) are beyond influence of potential eavesdroppers leads to a significant performance enhancement in terms of achievable key rate and transmission distance. We provide a detailed and comprehensible derivation of the Holevo bound in this so-called trusted-device scenario. Modelling an entangling-cloner attack and using some basic algebraic matrix transformations, we show that the computation of the Holevo bound can be reduced to the solution of a quadratic equation. As an advantage of our derivation, the mathematical complexity of our solution does not increase with the number of trusted-noise sources. Finally, we provide a numerical evaluation of our results, illustrating the counter-intuitive fact that an appropriate amount of trusted receiver loss and noise can even be beneficial for the key rate.


Advanced Quantum Technologies, Vol 2. Issue 11, November 2019


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Adding artificial noise for code rate matching in continuous-variable quantum key distribution


Adding artificial noise for code rate matching in continuous-variable quantum key distribution


Sören Kreinberg, Igor Koltchanov, André Richter


The reconciliation step of continuous-variable quantum key distribution protocols usually involves forward error correction codes. Matching the code rate and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the quantum channel is required to achieve the high reconciliation efficiencies that are crucial for long distance links. Puncturing and shortening is a way to adapt the code rate to the SNR at the cost of a slightly reduced reconciliation efficiencies. Instead of adapting the code rate to the SNR, we propose to add a controlled amount of artificial noise to the measured data, so that the resulting SNR could be reduced to match the given code rate. We show that our method can compete with puncturing and shortening and even outperform it in high-loss, high-excess noise scenarios.


Place and Date, Submitted on 13 May 2019

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Flexible User/Cloud-Centric Entanglement Distribution with Synthesizable Network Node


Flexible User/Cloud-Centric Entanglement Distribution with Synthesizable Network Node


Fabian Laudenbach, Bernhard Schrenk, Martin Achleitner, Nemanja Vokic, Dinka Milovancev, Hannes Hübel


The practical roll-out of quantum communication technologies in optical networks and the adoption of novel quantum applications demand the distribution of single or entangled photons. Flexibility and dynamicity is paramount for the provision of quantum resources, in order to scale with the number of users and to meet the demand of complex network architectures. We present a quantum network architecture that features this degree of reconfigurability, without being restricted to a rigid physical-layer network based on purely passive multiplexing componentry. We leverage spectral assets of photon-pair sources, from the short-wavelength band to the L-band, and agile spatial switching at a remote optical network node in order to realize a flexible distribution map that features different flavors, reaching from cloud-centric to user-centric quantum connectivity. Entanglement distribution is experimentally demonstrated at high visibility for five users in a 17-km reach, tree-shaped optical network. The delivered photon rate can be dynamically adjusted between the users by a factor of 2.5. Penalty-free operation is confirmed for integrating a co-existing classical control channel within the quantum.


Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (JSTQE)


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